Monday, August 18, 2008

Here's the real deal about working for the Post Office

They work you to death. They can work you 12 hours 5 days per week and 8 hours on your day off and there is nothing you can do about it. When you work overtime you carry a piece of another route which the Carrier is sick, because the post office never has enough people to cover the routes if someone is sick. I always said when someone asked me what the phone number to the post office was " they don't tell me, so I can,t call in sick". The stupervisors never use their sick leave and get rewards for it and they quietly disappear and go home and don't get docked for it. No one misses them If they did not show up the station would run smoother without them because everyone knows there job, doesn't screw around and goes to work. You see there is a list for who wants to work overtime but if you put your name on it you will never see your family again. But If no one puts there name on it, everyone is on it by default. I lost all my friends and social life working there. Carriers are not allowed to talk to each other except for 10 minute break, and that is usually a trip across the street to the 7/11 for coffee and breakfast. I always said " I will be the richest lady in the graveyard". That's enough for today. Thanks for reading, I will get back to the Dog attack ordeal soon. Gail

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