This is the hard part. Well, I started seeing Psychiatrists twice a week and there was no way they would clear me to go back to work. I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. I talked to personnel office and could not even call my office. I was put on the Family leave program. I had stopped getting paid somewhere after my paid leave and sick leave ended. Then if I remember workman's comp kicked in. I was going to thearapy twice a week and on so many drugs I couldn't remember my name. I could not drive so my husband had to take off work to get me back and forth.
Then the set up came. I was told by personnel to call my office, which she had said I never had to do. My stupervisor answered and said so when are you coming back to work. I told him again that I would probably shoot myself if I had to go back there and he said ok and hung up. Luckily my husband was nearby and heard what I said because two days later a Postal Inspector pulled up in my driveway. Only my 15 year old daughter and I were home. I thought he was there to investigate the dog attack but little did I know the horrible plight I was in for.
I don't know what was said or done when he was there, but my daughter was sitting next to me and I could not stop shaking. The visit was just a part of the set up, the post office trying to get rid of what they thought was a six year employee with no fight in her. Little did they know they were in the ring with a sixteen year government employee, disabled Veteran, and an innocent victim of their fucked - up system. Oh yeah and a Union
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