My husband picked me up at Urgent care because I was not fit to drive, leaving my beautiful 2004 Red Monte Carlo with the V-8 engine and all accessories in a neighborhood you don't go at night.
I had to trust they would put it inside the fence ( no security help there ). I called in sick the next day and the stupervisor said no, I had to come in. It was Saturday and the station manager was off ( like that would change my mind ), I was told to come to work and I told him that I had a doctor's appointment Monday and was not coming to work. Then I was ordered to come to work, I told him I would rather kill myself then get in a car and drive to work and amazingly he let up and decided to let me have sick leave. I was having a sever case of Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and did not know which end was up. My husband retieved my car, Thank God, from a hard night on the bad side of town, none the worse for it. I went to the Doctor's appointment on Monday afternoon and started to open my mouth and had a complete breakdown. Could not speak a word just cried. They had to put me in a room with the lights down and sooth me while calling my husband from his job as a Chief in the US Navy to come and pick me up. They gave me some pills and a note to stay out of work for two weeks and sent me home. Stupervisor was pissed. Wanted me to bring in note but I could not go there, so my husband took it in. Thus began my saga of Postal Inspectors, Jail, Union, and accusations. The Post Office was determined to get me one way or another. Oh, I must mention that I am also a Honorably Served 10 year Disabled Veteran of the United States Navy.

I love the pic! I think that Aviator's leather jacket looks very familiar... I wonder how many arm pits it has seen over the years...
Looks like I'll need to read parts one and 2 to catch up on the story. Welcome to the blogosphere.
Nice blog you have here...Ralph told me about it...
I'm not sure if you know it or not, but I'm one of those Texas gun nut...
Is that a good thing to invite to a *postal* blog?? Sorry, I could NOT resist...
Best of luck to you and I'll be glad to help any way I can.. Fred
Great pic, nice real story. keep writting lady. liked flow of words.
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