Hi, I am a retired City Mail Carrier, as you can tell I have been attacked by many dogs and am retired due to pit bulls attacking me. It is my pet peeve, along with many more issues concerning the treatment of personnel of the USPS. So, that is my main focus of my blog.
I know it is not your fault if you are injured while doing a very dangerous job, but seem to me Carriers are in constant fear of losing their jobs or getting written up if they are injured or attacked but man or beast. The beast are usually back at the office in the AC having lunches and joking around with the inside staff. Heaven forbid if you call in sick! You are the biggest liar alive and who will carry your route! Just come in and case it! Well, this is my first try at blogging and I feel better already already.
Are you out there my sisters and brothers? Let me here from you! Thanks for listening.
1 comment:
I don't have a blog yet so that is why anonymous.
I tried calling in the day after thanksgiving cuz i cut my finger really bad and had stitches. When I called the stupervisor told me "can you still come in. How about we case your route and pull it down and load it up and all you have to do is come and deliver it."
What I said are you crazy? Can't you hear..I can't use 1 hand.
When I returned on Monday I asked her to accomidate me. I have 6 loop on my park and loop. 2 hours of walking. Yes they are long loops. $ long ones and 2 little dead-head loops. I asked her if I could hand off the 2 hours of walking in exchange for 2 hours of curbline. She did it 4 like 1 day and then told me that I had to have it in writing from the doctor. What a jerk she was. I feel your pain.
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